2 Mar 2016

Keeping Track (Aspial)

Silly me bought some shares in Aspial at the wrong time. Substantial paper loss. Don't go against the flow unless there's solid evidence to do otherwise.

Here's an extract for Aspial's unaudited results for year ended 31 Dec 2015:

  • For the year, the company reported revenue of SGD 464,064,000 compared to SGD 510,061,000 a year ago. (YOY decrease)
  • Operating loss was SGD 9,333,000 compared to operating profit of SGD 9,804,000 a year ago. (YOY decrease)
  • Profit before tax was SGD 12,962,000 compared to SGD 61,669,000 a year ago.  (YOY decrease)
  • Profit attributable to shareholders of the company was SGD 8,824,000 or SGD 0.47 per basic and diluted share compared to SGD 43,066,000 or SGD 2.41 per basic and diluted share a year ago. (YOY decrease)
  • Net cash flows used in operating activities were SGD 21,625,000 compared to SGD 189,246,000 a year ago. (YOY decrease)
    • This was mainly due to decrease in development properties and inventories, partially offset by increase in properties held for sale and decrease in trade and other payables. 
    • Purchase of property, plant and equipment was SGD 3,746,000 compared to SGD 5,201,000 a year ago.
On the bright side, the business is still profitable despite the challenging business environment, especially for retail and property. I'm unclear on the performance of Maxi-Cash Financial Services Corp Ltd (MCFS) and other related businesses like Global Premium Hotel and Fragrance Group. 

Jump ship?

Shares Investment Research Notes (March 2016)

In my search for new investment ideas, I made use of the SGX Stockfacts function. As my current mental mode is to invest for dividend yields, I made a beeline for that and filtered for shares with dividend yields between 5 to 8.01%. Exactly 100 companies fit that profile.

After junking sectors like REITS, Oil & Gas (under Energy) and Semi-conductors, I've isolated the following list:

  • Cogent Holdings Ltd (Div Yield - 5.61%)
    • "an integrated full-service logistics hub, Cogent One-Stop Logistics Hub consolidates the current Cogent Group operations (warehousing, container depot and transportation services) under one roof. "
    • "Location at 1 Buroh Crescent is strategically situated close to Jurong Port, Jurong Island and (the future) Tuas Mega Port."
  • Captii Ltd (Div Yield - 5%)
    • Formerly Unified Communications Holdings Limited.
    • "Two business units: a mobile value-added-services business unit that addresses mobile VAS solutions, systems and managed application services; and a mobile technology business unit that addresses mobile messaging and signalling solutions, systems and managed services."
  • Dutech Holdings (Div Yield - 5.07%)
    • Builds ATM safes, weapons safes, etc.
    • The only Asian with certification for this specialised and niche area.
    • Logically, business model with high barrier to entry due to the entry requirements.
  • TalkMed Group (Div Yield - 5.15%)
    • Private Oncology practice specialising in cancer treatments.
    • Founders worked on Singapore Cancer Centre.
    • Mixture of dividend and growth?
    • Stable price although recently lower.

Will be assessing all 4 further as I research deeper.